Monday, January 2, 2017

Tony and Susan

Tony and Susan by Austin Wright

Summary: Edward, Susan’s first husband, has sent her his novel, Nocturnal Animals, to read before he comes to visit.  Susan, a little at loose ends with her husband in New York at a conference, reads the manuscript and is caught up in Tony’s dilemma.

Brief personal backstory: Comparing movie adaptations to the book they're based upon is one of my favorite things.  After gifting my grandma "The Girl on the Train" for her birthday and then making her both read and see the movie with me, it became one of her favorite things as well.  I picked up Tony and Susan as a last minute Christmas present for my grandma after finding out that's what the movie Nocturnal Animals is based upon.

My thoughts: At a quick glance the plot sounded interesting enough, however it didn't take me long to realize that just about every review I had already read on this book was correct.   I would have liked this book so much more had the author of it put more effort into the Nocturnal Animals bit of it and less into Susan's details.  While having and A and B story going does sometimes work, I didn't feel as though I ever cared enough about Susan's life to make that section of the book interesting to me.  Without spoiling too much for those who haven't picked it up yet, the ending of Nocturnal Animals itself fell short for me and left me disappointed.  I can see how some might have enjoyed it, but it somehow felt like taking the easy way out for me and I was expecting it to go in a different direction, but that's just my opinion.

Rating: 3/5 stars.

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